How £396 Can Make a Heritage Difference

Promoting English Heritage

NGramdata real-time feeds highlight small local events that sometimes reflect larger community character and ethos.

Pictures of England is a web domain that promotes English heritage internationally through online publication of images and textual information around picturesque villages, historic market towns and special attractions unique to England.

The amazing thing is that Pictures of England has been promoting national heritage for 20 years.

As direct consequence of the COVID pandemic, Pictures of England’s support income from hotels and booking agents dried up in early 2021.

£396 in donations would have kept Pictures of England afloat to end January 2021 – a tiny amount for an exceptional legacy contribution to society.

NGramdata finds and feeds urgent notifications like these 24/7 as local news streams. NGramdata exposure can sometimes be the only public online broadcasting of local events other than through originating websites.

With NGramdata – small makes a LARGE difference…