An Unmined Source for Local Events

NGramdata currently scans millions of local-based UK websites (growing by around 10,000+ sites every 24 hours) for content text changes and pushes over 15,000 feeds per day in real time to online lead generators and marketing enterprise.
This sets NGramdata unique worldwide as a miner of primary web text content change directly from source.
NGramdata aggregates, sifts, packages and delivers a minute-by-minute stream of content feeds that can be used to track community trends in real time. A powerful example is the current range of local community actions around COVID-19 regulations.
At present NGramdata covers the UK nationally. Customisation requests for individually tailored feeds are welcomed through Enterprise subscriptions. These can cover any conceivable industry worldwide.
Google Whack for Marketers

What do three finalists in the Worcestershire Law Society Awards have in common with a record Essex farm water abstraction penalty and a £10 handbag sale donation from Swansea for UK beekeepers ?
All the above events have been announced online just today – and all three announcements appear ONLY ONCE web wide on their originating websites.
Inside each announcement lurks information and opportunity that is important for a variety of downstream businesses – from conveyancing clients looking for expert guidance and professionalism, to farm equipment maintenance engineers to fashion industry bloggers.
Knowledge of once-off enterprise events adds powerfully to the ideas arsenal of online marketers.
With NGramdata Tracker – never miss an enterprise announcement or event again.
Translation of Ciao to Hao From Yesterday to Today

COMTEC Translations in Leamington Spa UK has been providing language translation services to international clients for 40 years.
…but COMTEC has a problem…
Other than a small social media footprint with only LinkedIn and Twitter presence and a generic trade name that places data cabinet suppliers and datacentre designers first in any organic Google search for the term “COMTEC” – the company is new-message-outreach constricted.
NGramdata provides one of the very few tools with which to see – within minutes – when COMTEC Translations announces a new price package or technological advance online.
NGramdata Tracker comes with audible and visual alarms as well as stop-at-hit and pause functions. Together with full results backup – no company online announcement goes unnoticed.
Tea, Cake, Condoms & World War 1

Nancy Bowley from Stratford turned 105 in early 2021.
She celebrated this with a special tea party with lots of surprises – including a balloon arch, strawberry cheesecake, bubbles and gifts…
In 2021 only 1 in 85 000 UK residents shares Nancy’s age – a historically low proportion.
Interesting reasons for this are the economic burden that couples felt in the First World War – coupled with the obvious separation factor.
A more surprising reason is that condom use exploded during the War, with the US army alone losing nearly 7 million man-days because of STD’s – a heavy and avoidable cost.
Nancy’s interesting story only appears on one local care home website. If not for NGramdata Tracker’s amplification built on persistent 24/7 sourcing technology – Nancy’s special day would have been only that – special but not known.
An Effective Roadmap for Small Steps

Across the UK small enterprises are doing giant’s work.
Happyfeet in Norfolk “builds” shoes for children that need specific size- and width- adjusted footwear.
Far from a fringe industry, therapeutic podiatry is covered well through an extensive network of clinics in the UK.
Unfortunately, the manufacturing of specially adapted shoes for children in the UK, is not.
Most stocked products are either made in Europe or are manufactured largely from European components.
Brexit and COVID proved the perfect storm for customer-focused outlets that is all about hands on, face-to-face expert service underpinned by compromised supply lines.
Happyfeet – however – is pro-active with a well thought out roadmap to stepped opening, built around initial appointments for fittings right through to eventual walk-in service in the spring of 2021.
Communicating this roadmap effectively to potential customers is commercially crucial for a small enterprise already shut for shop visits for over 7 months.
Equally crucial for parents in need is a timeline to supply – especially with schools opening up.
NGramdata does this by pushing localised website announcements consistently and reliably to community attention – day-in and day-out.
Wine Farms and a Virus That Doesn’t Discriminate

Government lockdown regulations cover a range of provisions for hospitality, entertainment and leisure industries.
The COVID-precaution focus of most businesses is fairly standard in that their activities are mostly singularly homogenous – either in serving food, providing exercise facilities or offering accommodation.
The typical wine farm in contrast offers a host of varied services:
- vineyards offer walking or bicycling environments and in-a-manner act as “public parks”
- farm shops are often open for sit-down and/or takeaway meals and as such act as “restaurants” or “takeaways”
- farm gift shops can be seen as “non-essential retail outlets”
- cellar-based wine sales currently fall under “essential goods supply”
- a farm visitor centre with toilet facilities can be deemed essential for providing “public toilets”
Given that this mix of service offerings can potentially attract a complex set of local authority regulations, it is useful for both residents as well as community services to be kept abreast of a specific local attraction’s protection regulations and its current open or closed status.
NGramdata provides this – a lightweight, 24/7-active, scalable, easy-to-install power interface – an instantaneous link between website source content change and business bottom line asset.
How £396 Can Make a Heritage Difference

NGramdata real-time feeds highlight small local events that sometimes reflect larger community character and ethos.
Pictures of England is a web domain that promotes English heritage internationally through online publication of images and textual information around picturesque villages, historic market towns and special attractions unique to England.
The amazing thing is that Pictures of England has been promoting national heritage for 20 years.
As direct consequence of the COVID pandemic, Pictures of England’s support income from hotels and booking agents dried up in early 2021.
£396 in donations would have kept Pictures of England afloat to end January 2021 – a tiny amount for an exceptional legacy contribution to society.
NGramdata finds and feeds urgent notifications like these 24/7 as local news streams. NGramdata exposure can sometimes be the only public online broadcasting of local events other than through originating websites.